birthday bash

birthday bash, derkum gerburtstagbirthday bash, derkum geburtstag

Many thanks to my fat jellyfish for the awesome Fotos!
Fotos by: Frederic Sapart

I could hardly wait for this day and then? I missed it. And anyone who wants to hastily congratulate me, thank you…I will give my best to be equally awesome the next 12 month.
But today it’s actually not about me because my blog gets one year old…was getting. On the 7th of february, strictly speaking.
First my University turned everything upside down, and then the balloon that didn’t look like a pink „1“ but more like a seasick fat worm! THIS I couldn’t possibly take a photograph of.
birthday bash, derkum geburtstag birthday bash, derkum geburtstag

So the days elapsed and finally, finally, finally I was able to photograph my birthday look. Ok, maybe I also chickened out a bit. I am very superstitious, plus I weep very easily, and I mean VERY easily. If a shooting doesn’t run how I want it, I start to cry on the spot, no matter who watches me making a scene. And also on this shooting my “fette Qualle” had to hear me complain about feeling uncomfortable, which he answered with subtle eye-rolling.

We are a good team! Especially because he ignores all my little ouchies and because he pushes the camera trigger exactly between my constant whining. So at least the resulting images don’t have my plaintive crumpled face on them.
birthday bash, derkum geburtstag birthday bash, derkum geburtstag

I just can’t handle balloons, because after exactly five shots this thing lashed into a puddle, and then soaking wet into my face (what significantly raised my mood…not), and after that against the locations wall, which caused a rip and loss of air. Great! The wind was so heavy, my sweet little Minnie nearly choked me to death. This is what happens when you’re to stupid to hold a  balloon.
Nonetheless, I can say that the last year was one of the most beautiful years of my life. And if you believe it or not, it’s mainly because of my blog. I experienced so much and I travelled a lot. My hobby not only became my profession, it became my biggest passion. I’m looking forward to everything and everyone along the way and I hope YOU will accompany me the next 12 month.
birthday bash, derkum geburtstag

birthday bash, derkum geburtstag

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22 thoughts on “birthday bash

  1. Die Geschichte mit den widerspenstigen Luftballons ist ja mega lässig. 🙂 Die Fotos die dabei entstanden sind, sind aber wirklich mega. Und über das Outfit muss man gar nicht reden. Wenn das kein Birthday Look ist, dann weiß ich aber auch nicht. Ich wünsche dir auf jedenfall noch nachträglich alles Gute zum Einjährigen Blogbestehen und noch viel Spaß für die Zukunft.
    Alles Liebe

  2. Liebe Amely Rose,

    krass – dich “gibt” es in der Blogosphäre erst seit einem Jahr? Dann hatte ich das irgendwie falsch in Erinnerung, ich dachte, dass du schon länger hier vertreten bist.

    Ich wünsche dir alles erdenklich Gute zu deinem Bloggeburtstag und noch viele weitere tolle Abenteuer! 🙂

    Ganz liebe Grüße,

    1. Hallo liebe Tina,
      die Bilder und der Post ist schon was älter und ich muss zugeben ich habe schon ein paar Blogs geführt 😀
      Hart auf hart Blogger ich schon mindestens 7 Jahre ABER wirklich Fashion mäßig und regelmäßig vielleicht erst 2 😀

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