(Deutsch) H2 Oh happy day | 4 Rezeptideen für Infused Wasser

Amely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in DeutschlandAmely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in DeutschlandH2 Oh happy day | 4 recipes for infused water

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Keep cool and stay hydrated

The warm weather finally lifts me up and wakes me from this overdue hibernation and I am (for my part) almost too active. Somehow I feel the need to go outside, do something and make as many experiences as possible. I t doesn’t matter if it’s with friends, shopping through the town or use my energy and motivation to study at uni. To be honest, I’m not a summer-lover. Because here in Germany it seems as if there’s only fall and summer. You’re either down due to weeks of rain, grey and cold or you’re suffering under the rapidly rising summer heat, when it takes mere seconds to reach 30°C and more.

At the moment, my wardrobe only offers extremes. What do I need today? A bikini or rather the heavy-duty winter coat? But the worst thing for me is the always present headache that accompany me whenever my friends want to explore the city or have a BBQ.

No I realized that drinking water (as simple as it sounds) actually helps. I got rid of my headache and feel so much fitter by itself. Suddenly summer’s fun and this toll on my creativity is gone. Though now there’s a new problem arise. Drinking liters of water was manageable – but carrying them around all day was another challenge. But here’s what solved that problem. Many of you probably use a glass bottle. It’s per se a good idea, but it’s unnecessarily heavy and you’re constantly running close to breaking it.
Amely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in DeutschlandAmely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in DeutschlandAmely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in DeutschlandAmely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in DeutschlandThat’s why I can recommend to you the “Oh Happy Day” drinking bottle by Emsa.

This bottle has a pretty, colorful design. It looks incredibly well made because of its glass-like optic. But because it’s not actually made of glass, this bottle is still surprisingly light-weight and indestructible. So you won’t carry around any unnecessary weight and are able to drink yourself healthy where and when-ever you like. It fits 0,7l and is 100% leakproof and safe, even with sparkling contents. I personally love the screw lid and its big opening – very handy for re-filling and cleaning. It also comes with a handy handle that makes it easy to be carried around, though you can always take it off if you’d rather have a small opening to drink from.

And if you have any doubts, let me reassure you. The tritan body is absolutely carefree, light, sturdy and without coating. It’s as good as any glass bottle. Although – I think this one’s even more advanced because of its light weight. Plus it’s dishwasher safe! Thanks!

So I am in love with it, especially the modern design. If you’d like to get one as well, you can check it out HERE.
Of course there’s a bunch of other glass bottles as well, they just don’t have the same glassy look. Feel free to look around HERE. My little secret tip is this Squeeze Sport Drinking Bottle, that’s so soft you can actually squeeze it. How innovative is that?!
Emsa offers you a wide range of products that improve your home and make you more mobile. You’ll find everything from products for your garden to your balcony to lunchboxes and anything your interior heart might yearn.
Amely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in DeutschlandAmely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in DeutschlandLet’s play a Drinking Dame
“Drink all day, pee all the time.” The rather less enjoyable side of trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Nonetheless I’d like to remind you of the “2-liters-a-day” reminder, especially with these summery temperatures around. And let’s be real, I can do without the nightly romantic, long walks to… the loo. But as a little extra motivation, I have put together 4 recipes for infused water, in order to make water tastier for you. Literally.

They taste good, have few ingredients that you probably have around and your entire body profits from them.

Recipe 1 – Fat Burn Wonder
This power couple of watermelon and rosemary has a triple effect. It kicks off your metabolism, the watermelon fills up your hydration and rosemary is good for your mind.

For 2 liters you’ll need:
* 250g cut watermelon

* 2 big rosemary twigs

* Ice cubes

* Water

Recipe 2 – When you’re Berry Thirsty
When you think of a healthy lifestyle, you probably think of superfood! Blueberries are great against heart diseases and tastes simply amazing. Lemons are good for that #beachbody because they keep your hunger down and help your digestion. Mint supports fat burning and works energizing. Perfect!

For 2 liters you’ll need:
* 1 lemon, in thin slices

* 100g (frozen) blueberries

* 10 mint leaves

* Ice cubes

* Water

Recipe 3 – the Classic
This is THE detox drink there is and a true classic under the infused drinks. It’s packed with vitamins and boost your entire immune system.

For 2 liters you’ll need:
* ½ lemon in thin slices

* ¼ cucumber in thin slices

* Ice cubes

* Water

Recept 4 – Let’s Get Exotic
Ginger and mango – not exactly the combination that pops into your head, but it’s an unexpected play of taste. Mango is great for your metabolism and digestion and we all know how good ginger is for us, thanks to the last cold we had.

For 2 liters you’ll need:
* 1 peeled (about 3cm long) piece of ginger

* 100g (frozen) mango cubes

* Ice cubes

* Water

Well? Could I infused YOU with the fun of drinking some water? Enjoy trying some of these on your own – and please stay hydrated.

*thanks to Emsa for the amazing products
Amely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in DeutschlandAmely Rose Citytrip Köln CGN trinkflasche Emsa Hitzewelle Sommer in Deutschland

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12 thoughts on “(Deutsch) H2 Oh happy day | 4 Rezeptideen für Infused Wasser

  1. Die Flasche finde ich klasse. Ich mag auch keine Glasflaschen mitschleppen und benutze eine von Amityunion mit Schraubverschluss. Meistens nehme ich einfach nur Wasser aus der Leitung. Gedetoxt ist das auch lecker. Melone und Rosmarin hört sich gut an. Limette und Minze geht immer.

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Thank you for sharing these recipes for drinks. During the summer it is very important to stay hydrated. This bottle with the happy day inscription looks so cute, such a great design….it seems like a perfect bottle to carry one’s healthy drinks in. Always having a lemonade or some other drink at hand sounds very practical.

    You look gorgeous dear…love these photos.

  3. Super schöne Bilder mal wieder, meine Liebe! Die Flasche sieht echt total stylisch und süß aus <3
    Ich versuche momentan auch, mehr Wasser zu trinken und dieses ständige Bedürfnis, zu Pinkeln neeeervt so 😀 Aber dafür merke ich, dass ich seltener Kopfschmerzen habe und fitter bin, wenn ich ausreichend Wasser trinke.

    Ganz liebe Grüße,
    Krissi von the marquise diamond

  4. Ich bin auch ein Fan von getuntem Wasser. 🙂 Mein Liebling ist dabei definitiv alles mit Gurke, aber mit Melone und Rosmarin werde ich es mal probieren. Das klingt gut. 🙂
    Danke für die Inspiration!

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